National Umbrella Day
Dolly Parton once said that if you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain. Although she never said anything about how to put up with the rain, for generations, the method-of-choice has been the umbrella. As part of many cultures since ancient times, umbrellas have a storied history worth commemorating. So on February 10, we celebrate National Umbrella Day!
National Umbrella Day Activities
1. Watch a movie that features an umbrella
Singin' in the Rain? Mary Poppins? There are dozens of movies with umbrellas prominently featured, and today's the perfect day to watch one!
2. Get a cocktail with its own umbrella
Can anyone say "Mai Tai?" There's perhaps no better way to celebrate National Umbrella Day than with your very own miniature!
3. Buy a backup
Let's face it — umbrellas break all the time. Plan ahead by using National Umbrella Day as an excuse to stock up on an extra!