
Breathtaking. Utterly breathtaking. Out of a routine life jolted traumatically by a car accident, an ordinary girl called Jenna is catapulted into a situation that makes Back To The Future seem lame. If you're not into vampire stories, think again. This is nothing ordinary, this amazing piece of writing with so many twists and turns that had me turning back pages to check and double-check. And on top of everything else, I found I was reading the most touching love story I've come across since.... honestly, since I don't know when.
Beth Mikell is the author of this startling piece of writing and I don't understand why I haven't heard of her before. She is a marvelous, gifted writer with an alluring, dynamic turn of phrase. Give me Book 2 Beth. And soon.
--Reviewer for Salvation, Immortal Stain series Book 1
Editorial Review:
What really brings Knights of the Imperial Elite Complete Trilogy together is the fact that all the characters are realistic and at points feel like they could step off the pages. The characters also show every range of emotion and character flaws that one would see anywhere in reality. None of the characters are perfect, they all have flaws, make mistakes, and live in regret, but they also show the amazing healing ability we all have when we have the proper support system.
Knights of the Imperial Elite - Trilogy
Reader's Favorite (Click here for the full review)

I absolutely adored this story. It was super fast-paced and fun to read. Shawn’s inner monologue is hilarious, and the random things she comes up with had me cracking up with laughter. But then it was also quite emotional, dealing with a trauma that psychologically scarred this poor woman who had always been so strong. It’s a good message that even the toughest of women are allowed to have moments of weakness.
--Reviewer for On Paid Leave
The Imperial Arm and His Elite Guard - Book 1. This book is one of the best medieval stories I have read in a while and I am really looking forward to following each of the Elite Guard in his own search for true love. It was heartwarming to read of Darrius's love for Brenna and hers for him. I was on 'constant alert' for Gunther - so glad when he met his end. I read this book non-stop and it will have a 'revered' place on my 'keeper' shelf.
--Reviewer for The Imperial Arm Book 1
"I loved Savannah and Hex together; even when they were feuding, the sexual tension between them was off the charts. I really enjoyed this book, sitting up until nearly 3 am reading, literally unable to put it down."
--Reviewer for Hex Upon Me

Beneath Her Skin is an EXCELLENT STORY! The story is UNIQUE! The characters are PHENOMENAL! The description of what was happening in the story and how the relationship developed between Brooke and Damon was AMAZING! This story is not to be missed and it should be put at the top of everyone’s “TO BE READ LIST”!
--Reviewer for Beneath Her Skin
This book goes along with Beneath Her Skin, which should be read first. Some of the events run concurrently in both books and are not completely described in this book. Having read the first book, this is not a problem in my mind. Jennifer and Donavan are a dynamite couple - her best friend and his boss are a couple. I love how protective he is of her, even when she's not sure about them and sends him away. His mom is the best; her advice and insight are so wonderful, giving him the strength he needs to move on from the situation with his ex-wife. I'm really glad to have read this sequel, to be able to learn about Jennifer and Donavan's road to happiness.
--Reviewer for Under the Sun
Romance, family drama and surprises, kidnapping, more romance... I loved this book, easily my favorite from this author.
--Reviewer for Behind the Silence